miércoles, 1 de octubre de 2014

Act 1


“You never change things by fighting the existing reality.
To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”

R. Buckminster-Fuller


Year dot; the very beginning.
A wise or foolish person once said that the difference between a story and plain old reality,
is that as story has a beginning, a middle and an end.

The Multiverse itself doesn't make such distinctions...

To give chaos some order, and to make meaning where there may be none,
we'll discuss the events surrounding Derek Crankshaft as a story;
which means that we'll need to start (and eventually end) somewhere....


It was a hot, sticky day in the hot, sticky part of the world where Derek lived.

He was rather used to this weather, but the visiting Japanese professors were having a real hard time,
and their distraction and desire to get things over and done with, was working to Derek's advantage.

Which, of course, made him happy!

The Japanese, like most observers, were immediately split into two camps when it came to commenting on Derek's 'invention'.

The first camp was the more traditionalist, establishment group of scientists-
who scoffed, mocked and said the idea couldn't work.
The second group; the mavericks, the dreamers, treated Derek politely and with encouragement-
and said the idea couldn't work...


Hikito Murashuri, Delegate for Japanese Scientific Council-
(Translated by Kemlyn Munn)

'We had learnt of this Derek Crankshaft, through our Secret Intelligence Agency.
He had been offering to sell his machine to the highest bidder- and we thought it would at least be worth a look.
How wrong could we have been!

As most of you will know by now,
Mr.Crankshaft was a small-scale wood sculptor and tree surgeon,
who practiced a pagan system known as 'Wicca', during his free time.

According to Mr.Crankshaft's story, he had been practicing some form of sex magic, involving harnessing 'kundalini' energies, and directing these along what he referred to as 'ley lines'
(a form of geomancy which the Japanese ourselves long ago discarded (sensibly), for the more valuable enterprises of modern science and technology.)

Crankshaft claims that during the ceremony he performed, he was visited by a version of himself, who had travelled from another dimension with the express purpose of giving the 'real' Derek the blueprints for a (quote) '...space and time tunnel opening box'.

It is evident from what I have said already, that this guy (if you excuse the pun) was indeed a 'Crank'! LOL

Independant sources had however confirmed some unusual and interesting effects recorded around the time of- and in the same area as- Mr.Crankshaft's test runs,
and so seeing nothing to lose, we decided to at least have a look for ourselves....'

viernes, 18 de noviembre de 2011

Act 2


 “If the facts don't fit the theory, change the facts.”

Albert Einstein


Derek's obituary stated that;
'His science was built on intuition, and his magic on experiment'.

Rather a poetic and somewhat misleading line, I say- being attributed, as it was, to someone I can only qualify as a dangerous and misguided lunatic.


But not everyone felt that way before the accident.

The official statements at the time revolved around the concern of such a device finding its way into the hands of terrorists (which was a genuine worry, and possibly a real risk).

The communication channels hidden within the world power infratructure, however, buzzed with the possibilities of this contraption actually working.
Every country wanted to be the first (and preferably only) one to have it.

Even if it didn't actually work, the psychological advantage of even seeming to have such a mind-boggling capacity, would give any nation a strategic edge.

Which is what it's all about, when all is said and done....


 Derek's last conversation-

His Mum-

 'What are you planning on doing today, dear?'


'The impossible- what else?!'


Finally, all these years later, key documents have been declassified, which show something of the process which lead to Derek's fame, madness and of course sad (and sudden!) demise.

A link to the frequently cited and notorious website which triggered Derek's final experiment is provide below (for academic purposes only)


Using that somewhat bewildering 'information', Derek set out to create the greatest invention in human history, with nothing more than an old TV set, a food blender,
a crystal he had apparently stolen from a space museum- and a lot of duct tape!

Plans for this dangerous and ineffective machine are shown below-

And of course, the surviving 'Crankshaft Box'.
A useless but nonetheless curious footnote in the Story of Science!

Act 3

 “My brain is only a receiver; in the Universe there is a core from which we obtain knowledge, strength and inspiration.
I have not penetrated into the secrets of this core, but I know that it exists.”

Nicola Tesla


Derek was overwhelmed by such an unexpected level of attention from the international press.

The details of his project had- inevitably- been leaked, and now he found a rugby scrum of reporters and cameramen on his doorstep.

He offered them a cup of tea and a biscuit each (only one; it was last of  the batch that his mum had baked!), and informed the assembled throng that he was going to give a press conference and -wait for it!- a demonstration of the device, but not until the next day...


'Crank' Shafts the World's Media with Hoax Invention


Before a gathered contingent of news agencies from around the globe, the 15 minutes of fame of Derek Crankshaft look to have come to an end.

After a presentation filled with gobbledegook and nonsense, the clearly nervous hoaxster
failed, not once but eight times, to achieve any effect with his purported 'Interdimensional Travel Machine'.

It seems we were all fools to believe in this guy, and the hopes of the planet for a new toy to play with, have been cruelly dashed by this fool and liar.

Unfortunately, no laws have actually been broken, and Crankshaft remains free (and seemingly oblivious to the hurt and disappointment his 'joke' has caused....)

Act 4

 “Know that the philosopher has power over the stars, and not the stars over him.”



I've got used to being treated like a social pariah in the streets,
and have stopped opening my mail or answering the phone.

It seems everyone was really rooting for my machine to work, and when it didn't they all went a bit mad for a while.

Still, I'm sure (or I hope!) that that will wear off in a while.

Some new fad or controversy will come along, and the herd will run off down the road after it.
That's what always happens.

I just wish my Mum would believe that, too...


And so our story would have ended,
had it not been for one final, dramatic episode in the curious life of Derek Crankshaft.

Many believed- as I still do- that this guy was in no way a fraud or a publicity seeker,
but just maybe a bit eccentric.

I'm convinced he really believed his invention would work-
and to that end, he tweeked and shook that box, and tried everything he could think of.
He read and wrote equations for days at a time without sleep (drinking no small amount of cheap energy drinks!).

Finally, he was sure he had found the solution!

So, he called the local radio station, set up a video camera, hooked up his machine to the power supply, stepped inside the room and..........................


What happened next...

 “You have to make the rules, not follow them”

Isaac Newton



FBI Investigating Possible Terrorist Links in Crankshaft Explosion

After the shocking twist in the well-known tale of Derek Crankshaft, law enforcement and intelligence agencies around the world, have taken an about-turn in their position on the notorious madman.

It is now very clear that he was far more than a 'harmless' trickster, and it is suspected that he was probably some sort of anarchist, who hated our beloved system and probably meant us some kind of ill will.

Good riddance to bad rubbish, is what this paper says!

The remains of Derek Crankshaft's house

An unknown man in a balaclava (who could be an anarchist...)

What happened next?

 “People often think I'm a faker, but I'm usually honest, in a certain way--in such a way that often nobody believes me!”

 Richard P. Feyman


Oh my god!
Where the hell am I?!

It's worked-
fucking hell, it's worked!!!  ha ha ha

One minute I was standing in my Mum's house,
and the next- here I am...........................wherever the hell I am!


The story of the arrival of our illustrious Emperor of the Planet, and King of the World
is one that is repeated every day, in schools and workplaces all around our peaceful, spinning ball of rock.

Hail Derek!

The man who appeared in our midst; literally materialising before our very eyes-
at just that pivotal moment when global war seemed inevitable.

Those famous and now holy words;

'Where am I?'

uttered with such poignancy and simplicity, gave us all a new perspective-
showed us the obvious wisdom that could overcome our increasing folly as a species.

Hail Derek!
Emperor of the Happy Planet,
and King of the Lucky World!


“There is no top or bottom, no absolute
positioning in space. There are only positions that are relative to the others.
There is an incessant change in the relative positions throughout the universe
and the observer is always at the centre".”

Giordano Bruno


Oh my god!
Where am I?!

It's worked, the machine!


But, this is.............really weird!

I mean, I'm clearly back in the room in my Mum's house,
but everything is so bizarre.

It's like...............I think the room is some kind of hypercube.
I can clearly see and move in 4 spacial dimensions!

There's width, height, depth and..................what the fuck am I supposed to call the other one?!   ha ha ha

My god, this is odd.
If this is what a room and furniture look like,
I can't wait to see a person!


'Yes, dear.................'